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A New Project

Last week I got the results for my action research project and I am happy to say that my hard work paid off and as well as really enjoying the project I managed to get a pretty good grade! Today is the beginning of a new project called  The BiH-India Exchange . I am doing this project together with another girl in my class who lives in India. It involves cultural exchange and composition and perhaps I will keep you updated with my thoughts here on the blog as we go along. Today my students were choosing songs which they felt represented their country - traditional songs and songs which are popular with people their age. They made a YouTube playlist of  18 songs and now they will vote to get the list down to 6 songs. After that we went into town and they took photos of things which they felt were important to the town - buildings, historical monuments and nature. Eventually all this information will go up on the project blog -  The BiH-India Exchange ...

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